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New paper from the lab of Alexis Lomakin published in Aging Cell

"Form follows function: Nuclear morphology as a quantifiable predictor of cellular senescence"

Immune cells identified as "metabolic factories" in the gut

A research team from the FWF-sponsored Special Research Area SFB F83 Immunometabolism led by the Center of Pathobiochemistry & Genetics has now…

New insights into the development of sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease in which immune cells form tissue nodules in various organs, which can drastically impair organ function. Now a…

New study identifies role of immune cells for iron absorption in the intestine

A new research paper from the Center for Pathobiochemistry and Genetics has shown for the first time that macrophages regulate iron absorption in the…

Project on biological aging research receives international research grant

Congratulations to Markus Schosserer for receiving the "Hevolution/AFAR New Investigator Award in Aging Biology and Geroscience Research". This…

"Best talk award" for Eleonora Nardini

Best talk award was given to the PhD student from our center for the outstanding presentation at the “Annual Meeting of the Cluster for Cardiovascular…

Claudia Weindorfer has received Marietta-Blau grant

Congratulations to our PhD student Claudia Weindorfer who is doing research on tumor-associated fibroblasts in the laboratory of Assoc. Prof. Helmut…